Monday, December 15, 2014

Chapter 24: Levi Ages Up

I realize that since Levi has become a child, I've focused more on him and Alba's adventures than what CeeCee and Sri have been up to. The thing is that CeeCee and Sri are both at stages in their aspirations and careers where it's pretty boring to document.
Sri autonomously lazes around the house and I have to make him go out and interact with others to get his mischief skill up. He's getting better...

but other than a few screenshots, there's not much to see or tell.

“Hey, Sis, I thought maybe you'd like to do these dishes for me. Kid!”

CeeCee on the other hand has been diligently playing the guitar and telling stories in front of the mirror for her generation challenges. Her aspiration goals right now are to have 100,000 simoleons in bank and to have earned 200,000 simoleons. I highly doubt that either of these goals will be met.

Anyway, with Levi's impending birthday and generation 2 is coming to a close (Generation 3's challenges begin when he is a teenager), I thought I would take this chapter to address Sri and CeeCee's rocky relationship.

Their romantic and friendship bars took serious blows when they fought over Sri's career and later when CeeCee revealed her infidelity. Neither ever requested a divorce though. CeeCee felt like she was just as much to blame as Sri and as for Sri, I don't think he could bear to lose his kids – even if Levi is not biologically his, they became Good Friends not too long after Levi became a child and their relationship has continued strong since then. Still, CeeCee and Sri lived mostly out of each others' way. In part because their work schedules never really lined up and in another part because CeeCee tried (and failed) to keep the kids away from Sri during their childhood – well, Sri is a criminal after all.

Yet I've noticed lately that both Sri and CeeCee have been rolling wishes to be friendly to one another. Was this the sign of the mending of their relationship? I decided to sit them both down on the couch early in the morning after the kids had gone to school and let them play it out by themselves.

“Howdy, stranger.” Sri takes the initiative right away. At first their conversation is casual, friendly banter and a few jokes here and there. I think they both feel rather awkward and are testing the waters. Sri eventually takes a few tentative steps into forbidden territory.

“I'm sorry about the way I treated you and for the secrets I kept. I know our marriage hasn't been ideal and the children have mostly kept us together. Now that they're growing up, though, I just don't want to lose you.”

The ball is in CeeCee's court ... what will she do? Well, she puts away her breakfast, for one, and then she moves closer to Sri!!
“Of course I'll forgive you, Sri. I've forgiven you long ago, I think. I've just been stubborn. The question is can you forgive me?
“I've never had to forgive you, CeeCee. I've only been working on forgiving myself all these years days ago!”

They seal mutual forgiveness with a kiss

And then I gave them a gentle nudge in the right direction ;)


Levi's birthday party is that same evening. I was going to have it a strictly family party seeing as it was a school night and they were having the party pretty late, but Levi is the heir and I felt it wouldn't be fair to him if he didn't at least get a small event. So I got Alba to invite only their closest friends. It was a much tamer affair than Alba's party but much more intimate.

Since Levi was about to drop dead on his feet (you see in the above picture that he's in his Pjs – I had to wake him up for his party lol) I had him blow out his candles pretty quickly.

I held my breath as he aged up ... he's their heir after all and he plans on being a lady killer ... would he look the part???

HECK YES! Wow Levi blew my expectations right out the water. I wanted him to be gorgeous but if I'm not careful he may just break my heart along with all those Sim ladies'! Hehe

Well there you have him – the Generation 3 heir as a teenager! Generation 2 has officially come to a close. You can find a link under "Generation 2" to see CeeCee's objectives and her accomplishments and failures ;)
The Generation 3 objectives have also been posted, under "Generation 2" headline!
(these are found in the "A Thorny Legacy" page on the navigation bar)

The next chapter will be the first of Generation 3 and the beginning of Levi's love rampage!

Oh, Levi aged up with the Romantic trait and the Serial Romantic aspiration. Both were chosen by me in accordance to his generation challenges! ^^


So long, little Levi! You were a blast to play! Not only were you my favorite Sim child ever, but you really pushed me to my limit, completing two childhood aspirations!
Levi completed both the Social Butterfly and the Rambunctious Scamp aspirations (the last one was a close call. He completed it by drinking about 2 sleepless potions and by skipping school on his last day of childhood! Hehehe, little rebel).

I think Levi will miss his childhood adventures, but his teenage and adult years look very promising, if this picture is any indication ;)

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