Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Chapter 05: O brave new world

A short chapter to start off the second generation. I had planned to really focus on CeeCee during her teenage years to build up her skills in music, develop her budding taste in music, and increase the tension between her and Candice, but unfortunately that is not to be. I suppose CeeCee was just too anxious to move out and start on her own.

So here is CeeCee's new place and her new start. She's far from home but, alas, also far from stardom

The big house feels empty and dark after having grown up in a tiny overcrowded house – she had to share her room with three other siblings, for goodness sake! I suppose that must explain the Fabulously Wealthy aspiration. Load up on the cash and build as many bedrooms as you want, CeeCee! 

Still, CeeCee feels rather homesick calls up big sis Cristina for some advice on how to make it in the big world. Yeah, like she'd know. News flash, your big sis spent her whole childhood on the couch, CeeCee!

I don't know if CeeCee felt much better after her little chat (I know I wouldn't), but she decides to suck it up and be productive. CeeCee brings out her violin and gets on building much needed skill. The violin was a growing up/moving out present from Reid. One thing's for sure – the whole family must be thrilled that they don't have to listen to those broken keys any more. CeeCee must face that battle alone now.

Cristina stopped by for a visit but CeeCee was so busy cringing at her music that she didn't even hear the doorbell. She has to run down the street to catch up with her.

CeeCee invites Cristina to check out her home and guess who's at the front door - that's right, Reid! What a lovely improvised housewarming. CeeCee cooks up some mac and cheese (her recipe repertoire is not that impressive so far) but apparently she's the only one who's hungry...

That's it for this time. CeeCee has a lot of skill catching up to do but she's had a smashing interview and was hired in the Entertainer career, a dream come true! Now CeeCee must prove herself not only to her parents, but to the world! And hopefully make some friends and find love along the way...

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